How do I set a unique password?
If your card is not enrolled in 3D Secure BT Pay, as part of the first online payment you make in January 2021 that requires confirmation, once you access the "Pay" button , you will be directed to a page where you will be asked for your SMS password, which you will receive on your phone number in the bank's system as before. 😊
After clicking on the "Confirm" button you will be directed to the page where you have to enter your unique password.
You can set your password by going to "Set password". You have 2 options to set it:
❶⠀E-mail: enter your e-mail address and you will receive a code that you enter on the settings page;
❷⠀By entering a secret for setting the password (e.g. mother's name before marriage).
Later you can set your password. It must contain a minimum of 8 characters, one lower case letter, one upper case letter and at least one special character or digit.
You have 5 minutes to set your password and confirm your payment online. After setting your password, you return to the payment page and re-enter it.
❗⠀You must remember this password, you will use it in the future. 😁
If you want to confirm online payments even easier and faster, it's good to know that authorising online transactions through BT Pay is secure and very handy.
You can confirm your payment directly from the app with your fingerprint, FaceID or phone unlock method. When you pay online, you get instant notification on your phone and confirm the transaction in a second. That's how you forget passwords! 🤩